With the investment of Kentucky lawn properly make use of Kentucky-turf, as has the Wiesenrispensaatgut a long germination phase and a slow early growth.
Kentucky grass grows particularly well in moist soil sites, and requires only every 10 - 14 days to mow.
In dry periods, Kentucky lawn while yellow, but driving safely after the next rain-green again.
Incurred defects are of the underground rhizomes of Kentucky bluegrass closed quickly.
Compared to sports and play lawn lawn needs Kentucky in late summer and fall 1-2 Additional fertilization with 40 g/m2 of nitrogen: potassium fertilizers 1:2, so that he can continue to grow until the beginning of winter.
For lack of nutrients in late summer / fall, he is easily attacked by rust fungi as demonstrated by yellow leaf tips and brown spores.
Deep mowing and above recommended additional fertilization fight this attack successfully. can
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