care measures for lawns in the fall
well-kept lawns in the fall by special measures prepared for the forthcoming winter season:
cutting: All lawns mowed will continue regularly and can return to the hot summer days to reduce the mowing height to 3.5 cm.
According to the weather needs mowing until October / November will be continued as long as cooling is adjusted due to the growth of grasses.
is at the last mowing before winter to ensure that the crop will be gathered carefully. Broken down crop or long stems, which lead to lodging in snow, to rotten spots in the lawn and thus to defects in the following spring.
water: When in the autumn longer dry periods occur, must be watered lawns in this time of year. Weekly Watering 10-15 l/m2 enough. decreasing temperatures and higher dew from September to reduce the irrigation needs of turf during the autumn.
fertilizing: When fertilization has special autumn fertilizer used with increased potassium content. These increase the stability of the Turf grasses, and thus make the lawn less susceptible to diseases and frost damage.
A ratio of nitrogen to potassium of 1: 2 is recommended for 1-2 while shares in September / October. A sufficient fall fertilization of the lawn also reduces the spread of moss next spring.
pure soft lead to nitrogen applications without potassium grass blades, which are particularly vulnerable under the snow for snow mold and should be avoided.
grass mixtures mitRohrschwingel (Mediterranean grass, lawn or shade Rustica) in the autumn still need a full supply of nutrients, that is, a further additional fertilizer.
The same applies also for mixtures of Wiesenrispensorten (Kentucky grass), which must be supplied to the onset of winter better. An adequate supply of nutrients in Kentucky is the best lawn in the fall measure gegendas occurrence of rust fungi, compared to the meadow grass is somewhat vulnerable.
Rasenansaat: A Rasenansaat in the fall is only possible by the end Septenber, no later than mid-October to have the old year to achieve an adequate development of grasses.
Late Dates it is better to postpone the sowing in the spring or turf use.
turf installation: The immediate greening of areas with sod is possible in the autumn to the beginning of permanent frost, according to our experience in recent years usually until mid-December. Even with daytime temperatures slightly above zero degrees can be harvested and turf laid. If it is after the laying of 20 l/m2 intensively watered and rolled, subsequent time periods of frost damage to newly laid lawns not, the turf is growing with the next thaw.