In special grass mixtures for levees and storm water retention basin next to the seeded grass species perennial ryegrass, Kentucky bluegrass and red fescue flood-resistant species such as meadow foxtail and location typical herbs at the site of the existing species community come close.
After nearly a year of pre-culture in schools turf peeled these mixtures as turf and used for special flood protection projects.
this go in the new German federal states responsible for flood protection dam administrations since the flood, or a very low rate with the new Building to.
While the levees from March to September can be planted with fast Rasenansaaten is turf used primarily in the period from late September to early March and specially protected the flood-prone water side of the dikes that.
The use of lawn nails to protect turf embankments against erosion by high water or heavy rainfall immediately after the installation.
It can be at any frost-free days until moved into December and is growing even when used after the laying of water and rolling time frosts.
The photo is a close Gallin Elbe dike section at Wittenberg after the flood of March 2006 to see.
The dike was occupied in late December 2005 and the permafrost beginning with rolling lawns and nailed. The work could not by incipient permafrost may be terminated and after the frost period in February / March was a 2006 flood. After the withdrawal of the flooding was found that the turf its flood protection function has not fully met and a role has been washed away.
contrast, were at the front in the photo section of dike unprotected by the flooding to determine up to 50 cm deep soil erosion, which made a new profile of the dike is necessary.
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