Friday, November 26, 2010

Horse Lice Egg Removal


Sunday 21 November 2010

Let me tell you about my latest adventures. Last Thursday I had stuffed a PT Cruiser-load stuff into my car and crossed the border from Quebec, Canada, to New York, USA. I had this limit has crossed twice during my stay in Montreal as I had a few gigs in New York. Since it was pupseinfach. Even with a truckload of stuff I waved the Canadian border officials through. So I was expecting anything special when I returned to the land that now time is better or worse, my home country.

But when I am DMZ [DeMilitarized Zone - demilitarized zone] arrived, which separates the People's Republic of Canada by the United Empire of America, I found out quickly that this should not be the case. I was selected for a secondary verification. That means I had to get out of my car, my keys border-handed Gestapo and put me in an interrogation room can. There I had my pockets empty and the food stülpen to the outside, there was the small piece of cheese, I had received from a friend cut open to check whether there were drugs there, I have been many questions asked as I have my living contest etc . Look, folks, I am a U.S. citizen. Even if I was a vagabond without any income, you could tell me not to return to Canada. I think they were a little confused how this stuff works all the border controls.

I've taken it all with humor. What can be as else to do? But it was annoying and was not even a little bit of sense. What you smuggle one of Canada? Seriously. There is not even any drugs in Quebec to buy, of which one could not get in New York, and I'm sure they are also cheaper. In the U.S., everything is cheaper than in Canada. And which one has heard of this nonsense because of the bombers of the 11th September came through Canada into the country? That is not true .

Pah. After that I made it to Brooklyn, where I found to my great surprise, a car park just around the corner of the front door of my house. That was Thursday night and parking on the street is prohibited for cleaning Friday morning from 9.30-11.00 clock. But I was not worried because I had parked ever been to Brooklyn and it was no big deal.

What I did not know was that this week about four blocks of my neighborhood streets and sidewalks will be re-made which meant that parking was much more difficult. At 9 clock on Friday morning I drove off to find a parking space. It took well over an hour, and much of the Time went on it for it to cash a ticket from the New York police because I had allegedly violated "no right on red", which was clearly signposted said. Later, I came right back to that corner to find extra signs, which they claimed they were there. I have not seen any. Behind me they had stopped a line of three or four other cars, which were all punished for the same offense. They have not seen the alleged signs too. This is the New York equivalent of a southern radar trap. I'll look again, but I'm pretty sure that these signs - when it should really be - deliberately concealed were hearts to the sole purpose of a highly questionable source of money.

All this to move along with the usual stress that it brings and not a reliable source of income to have (do you think writers are rich? Think again about it.) And some other stress-causing incidents that I will not be published, led to a rather unfortunate Bradley.

During this time of deep pessimism and malaise, I started again about this "is not very Buddhist of you" stuff to think. I'm sure many people read this blog are familiar with it. I have also written an article in the March 2008 issue of Shambhala Sun (it is the issue with the Dalai Lama on the cover. wait, no! ).

This is when someone who is Buddhist by some things she will become confused and tell all your friends "That's not very Buddhist of you!".

I'll tell you what, friends and neighbors, without my constant practice, I would not through life . Create Forget all that stuff out of wide-open eyes and enlightenment. I would not even make it a damn day. This is one of a thousand million reasons why I have problems with these assholes, get rid of meditation as the path that turns a normal person in super-meditation-man, the guy who never his hairstyle (or lack thereof) tousled gets no matter what storms life brings him.

Jaja. I know, I know. You've seen this guy! He's on YouTube! He has short videos in which he giggles and smiles and a really sugary soothing voice about speaks, how he found his way, as cool as a water ice to stay, no matter what. The guy is the real deal!

You know what? Go and run behind this guy if you like. purchase his magic potions. I do not care. Come not with your stomach pain to me if you have understood what a fraud it was. That's all I ask.

each capable actor can play this role for the ten minutes that YouTube allows you, or for an hour or two that he was on the stage , or for a single 15-minute conversation in which he rings the bell and sent away up if he is too tense. This is not even a particularly impressive trick. Real life, however, is quite different.

This is (again) one of the trillion, and two reasons why I am totally against this online Zen master stuff. It is so easy, the role of super-meditation-man in a Skype interview to play, where you can not see the chaos in the rooms of this type, which has just seen is not so in the camera (literally and meant in the figurative sense) where you do not get to see how your teacher behaves when he spent two hours on the motorway in a traffic jam stands, where you can not smell his garlic breath.


Anyway, last night I went out, ate Belgian fries in the East Village and everything was much better.

Things To Say In A Muslium Wedding Card

Philadelphia Freedom * and Nishijima Article

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Here I am at the Philadelphia International Airport with an hour until my flight back twice relocated to Montreal's. I had another day in Los Angeles after the first flight I had booked was delayed, so I missed my connecting flight would. Now my connecting flight was canceled to Montreal and I was pushed into another. That is the reason why I should travel less!

I've seen some of the comments, and I want everyone to point to a website which is linked since ancient times on this blog, but some people commenting here seems to be missed:

Lectures and Articles by Nishijima Roshi ['s lectures and articles by Nishijima Roshi]

One of the comments in the last post here was referring apparently to Nishijima "Very personal and special Dogen's interpretation." I assume he means Nishijima's idea of the four times the logical structure of the Shobogenzo. Reading these kind of Dogen is not just a personal preference, but the result of decades of work with the text. Nishijima has written to read a very detailed explanation of its kind Shobogenzo that as a free download here is available:

Understanding Shobogenzo [To understand the Shobogenzo]

A Another comment says something like that Nishijima "was the ANS [autonomic nervous system] / Four perspectives-nerd ". Nishijima ideas for ANS are discussed here:

Buddhism and the Autonomic Nervous System [Buddhism and the autonomic nervous system]

I these ideas find no way "strange". He tried to use the language of science rather than a mystical, to explain the impact of zazen practice. He does not claim to be a neurologist or even an expert on the functioning of the ANS. He is right in the first paragraph with perfectly clear. But he finds this Kind of explanation as zazen much more useful than the earlier works, mystical-sounding language.

It is easy to squeeze the entire work of someone in a few words rausgepickte and thereby completely rejected. D [aisetz]. T. Suzuki has done this when he wrote of Dogen. happens to the the best and is often committed by people who have impressive references.

I just wanted to give anyone interested a chance to check out Nishijima's own words at himself. Most articles on the above linked page to read short and simple.

* Editor's note: "Philadelphia Freedom" [Philadelphia Freedom] is an allusion to a song (1975) by Elton John, which is now regarded as a kind of anthem of the city in terms of their love of freedom and historical influences in the country .

Marketsphere Unclaimed Property Rip Off

结 跏趺坐 or why the new Shobogenzo the second best translation is

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

preliminary Logistic something. Should you be in Los Angeles you have another chance to hear me talk. Tomorrow (Sunday November 14, 2010) will be made in Bodhi Tree bookstore keep 8585 Melrose Avenue West Hollywood, CA, USA by 19 clock a lecture.

The people of the Doges Sangha Los Angeles have cut together some videos of me and have them uploaded to the Dogen Sangha Los Angeles YouTube channel . As soon come even more.

My n euestes book Sex, Sin, and Zen: A Buddhist Exploration of Sex from Celibacy to polyamory and Everything in Between is from a website called Religious Bulletin nominated a religious book with the worst Binding design . Juhu! I hope I win, because then I can "Award-winning author" on my next book printed.

I have just published a new article on the Suicide Girls' Safe For Work blog . He is Desire and you can find where you on the word " Desire "in this sentence clicking here.

And when speaking of Suicide Girls, tomorrow I will n eight are in their radio show. For more details, click right here !


Last weekend I was in the San Francisco Zen Center (SFZC) to participate in an event to celebrate the release of Kazuaki Tanahashi's translation of the entire 95 chapters of the participating Shobogenzo.

If you want to see what I have said there going to this link and coil minutes prior to 36:26.

This new English edition of the Shobogenzo is essentially the San Francisco Zen Center Edition of Shobogenzo. You own the copyright, they made up the largest share of financing for the project and 32 priests from SFZC acted as co-translator of which each has on average one to three chapters edited.

course, was during the celebrations this weekend of some claims this is the best English translation of the Shobogenzo was. And of course, claimed those who contributed to the English or other translations, as in my case, associated with the translators are the best that we had. It was something of a running gag on. If you like the video of my presentation on Saturday, look, you see my entry for this gag. I was the fourth or fifth person this joke on that day brought. But it was not a joke.

At one point, Kaz said that every translation in their own way the best thing. Each deliver unique and valuable perspectives. A very diplomatic opinion! And true. I'm sure he meant just the same.

I've not read much of Tanahashi Shobogenzo. I've read a few chapters when I was in the summer of Tassajara and a few more since I bought a copy ($ 150, ouch! And that was with a discount!). I am not an expert in it as the Nishijima / Cross issue, which I have read at least four times from top to bottom, and my favorite parts maybe a dozen times or more above the yes I myself have written a book (see link below). However, I would even at this issue embarrassed when I have to quote chapter and verse to.

However, I feel safe when I say that Shobogenzo Tanahashi is the second best available version, after that of Gudo Wafu Nishijima and Chodo Cross, which will always be the best (which is high praise from of someone as picky as I am, whatever that is worth). I am familiar with earlier versions of Tanahashis translations are published in books such as "Moon in a Dewdrop" and "Enlightenment Unfolds". In the few Years in which it was difficult to get a copy of the Nishijima / Cross to get the issue I desöfteren Tanahashi recommended books. I felt that they were the original to others. Now we find the Nishijima / Cross version easily online (see links below).

The main reason of the Nishjima / Cross makes the best version, because it is the original Japanese Shobogenzo so faithfully reproduces that it is almost too much. Even Dogen strange word order has been preserved as much as possible. This means it loses a lot in terms of readability. But now, this is so in Dogen's original. So it should be. It was never meant to be read easily.

The other big advantage of the Nishijima / Cross edition are the extensive footnotes on each page. All the obscure references to ancient Chinese writings Dogen made available. And every time a Japanese word was translated in a way that may be questionable, the Japanese originally written was noted as a footnote.

These two factors make this an issue of Shobogenzo, but for someone who can not read Japanese, English is up close to a magic glasses that allows one to read the Japanese original. No one will ever make it to do it this way, up to the date the the English language itself changed so that this version will be out of date because of it. apology. It is impossible.

One area in which the superior version Tanahashi is quite clear, in relation to poetry. I must confess, the Nishijima / Cross issue is as clumsy as hell. It sacrifices some of the beauty of the original by trying a very basic literal translation follow through. Tanahashi and his co-translators have made enormous in which they have made an English version of the singing as the original.

The reason why I believe that the total Tanahashi Edition not quite as good refers to many aspects which if you try to study something so personal and intimate as Zen in such a large institution such as the SFZC. You can see the reasons why I think this issue is only the second best in the shell out you look at the way you have chosen to translate the Japanese composite 结 跏趺坐 (kekka fuza).

结 跏趺坐 (kekka fuza) has a clear and absolutely unambiguous meaning in English. It means sitting in the lotus position (full, half or quarter). There is no other possible interpretation. So we're not talking here of a word which has shades of the translator could argue. It is a proper noun with a fixed English equivalent. The word is often used synonymously with the Shobogenzo Zazen use. has

during presentations on Monday in Green Gulch someone (I think Kaz was myself, but I'm a little insecure - it's probably somewhere in the video I've linked above) says something about how the translation was carried out by the example they have decided to translate this word.

Obviously did they originally "sitting with crossed legs," as translated, which is good. I believe that the formulation of the Nishijima / Cross version is used. However, some talk was in the SFZC certain readers might not be able to take the lotus position and therefore would be deterred by such a translation. After some discussion, decided the 结 跏趺坐 (kekka fuza) "sitting in meditation" is translated as to those who can not sit in the lotus position to convey the feeling to be included in Dogen's message.

I confess that this is not massive error. In reality it is pretty much the same. It distorts Dogen's message is not essential. But it distorts but .

There is so much interested in the minimum distortion of the message as much more about the reasons why the editors decided to Dogen's change message.

you have changed it because they felt that the real meaning of the term could reduce the attractiveness of the book. They changed it because of a committee decision.

The thing with the lotus position in Dogen Teaching is one argue passionately about the many people. But Dogen is here quite uncompromising. In Fukanzazengi (General Guidelines for Zazen) it permits the full or half-lotus, and that's it. My own teacher Gudo Nishijima wider meaning to the half-lotus so that it includes the West in general as a quarter of a lotus or "Burma's attitude" known. But Dogen says nothing about the use of seiza benches or chairs, or the myriad other possible postures encountered in Zen centers in America or Europe today.

I even had to listen quite a bit because I'm such a pedant in terms of attitude. But here's a little secret. Every time someone comes to me in confidence and shows me that he really and truly do not have full, half or quarter lotus (including Burman), I always try to work out with them any other way. I bet my ass that even master Dogen would have done the same thing in the situation. But in public I do not talk about other attitudes.

The reason why I never in public about zazen in a chair or seiza bench or whatever, talk is that it seems that as soon as one notes that there are such things possible to use now half of the bodied losflitzen order to get a chair so they have something more comfortable. But in Zazen is not about convenience. In fact, Zazen Zazen is not without a little discomfort.

Anyway, this change is only one of several in the book that reflects this attitude. On another occasion, Dogen was saying "the royal Bodhi Tree" changed to "the glorious Bodhi-tree" appear to be less sexist. I am sure that more such changes are abundant. They change the fundamental importance Dogen prose does not really change, but they do it, for reasons which seem somewhat ridiculous.

It happens when a committee is included. Gudo Nishijima and Mike Cross had no such problems. There were only two people involved in the major translation and three or four others in the editorial office.

What happened here with the new edition of the Shobogenzo is studied is also instructive in understanding the difference whether Zen in a large institution or manageable in an environment. I am a big fan of the San Francisco Zen Center. I like what they do and I am pleased to support them. I often recommend people to SFZC, go to Tassajara and Green Gulch. There are good places. There are good people.

But the truth is, that would be SFZC and similar institutions have been the only places that I knew that you can undertake study Zen, I would have probably endured more than a year. That's not my kind of scene.

it better one way and the other worse? I can only speak for myself. I sense the Nishijima / Cross edition of Shobogenzo than the best. This does not mean that I hate any other issue. But only one issue may be the best. Insofar as it relates to teaching styles, I'm with the Form of Zen gone the best for me seemed appropriate. If I felt that it would not fit me, I would have gone elsewhere.

Just to at this point to be absolutely clear, Kazuaki Tanahashi is Shobogenzo translation and an outstanding performance. Here is a good article how the whole thing came into existence . It's a really, really outstanding translation. I can recommend it strongly. I have $ 150, - spent my copy today and I can not allow such things actually. I have done it because I really like that.

But it's still not the best!


Sit Down and Shut Up: Punk Rock Commentaries on Buddha, God, Truth, Sex, Death, and Dogen's Treasury of the Right Dharma Eye by Brad Warner

Master Dogen's Shobogenzo Book 1 translated translated by Gudo Nishijima and Chodo Cross

Master Dogen's Shobogenzo Book 2 of Gudo Nishijima and Chodo Cross

Master Dogen's Shobogenzo, Book 3 translated by Gudo Nishijima and Chodo Cross

Master Dogen's Shobogenzo, Book 4 translated by Gudo Nishijima and Chodo Cross

Enlightenment Unfolds of Dogen, translated by Kazuaki Tanahashi

Moon in a Dewdrop: Writings of Zen Master Dogen translated by Kazuaki Tanahashi

Treasury of the True Dharma Eye: Zen Master Dogen translated's Shobo Genzo by Kazuaki Tanahashi

Free digital download of the Nishjima / Cross edition of Shobogenzo in PDF format

Tropitone Patio Clearance

Not really live last night on Saturday in

Sunday 07 November 2010

I will be something about the Doge Translation Forum [Dogen Translation Forum] To publish, but for now you can find here something out of a really unique and interesting perspective .

are also the things I've done will soon be archived. I'll try to get the URL for it soon.

After San Francisco, I'm heading to Los Angeles where I have a bus load of gigs.

9th November 2010 (Tue) 19 clock - Hill Street Center 237 Hill St., Santa Monica, CA 90 405

10th November 2010 (Wed) 7 clock (yes, the 7 clock is the morning!) Dharma Zen Center 1025 S Cloverdale Ave Los Angeles, CA 90019-6733

10th November 2010 (Wed) 19:30 clock - Against The Stream 4300 Melrose Ave. Los Angeles, CA

12th November 2010 (Fri) - 19 clock - An Lac Buddhist Temple 901 S. Saticoy Avenue, Ventura, CA 93004th $ 2 donation.

14th November 2010 (Sun) 19 clock - Bodhi Tree Bookstore 8585 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles, CA


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Is My Dongle Being Hacked

current short message

very short term, we have the day before a flight to Brazil for Elke posted. We have the opportunity to apply for a permanent visa now. Elke will be there with my colleagues try to get the visas. Regardless of our future with regard to Brazil, we just want to use the existing chance now. Elke will stay for 2 weeks to hopefully regulate everything with success.
with the many documents that are needed, it is not easy, especially since Elke must be representative of me sort everything out. Although it has full power, but it is always the question of what is acceptable, if my stored signature is accepted as genuine and pure other uncertainties.
so back for an exciting time to us.

Friday, November 19, 2010

What Do They Call A Brazilian In Brazil


Wednesday 03 November 2010

coming Saturday 06 November by 16 clock PST [= Pacific Standard Time, ie, the time zone of the U.S. West Coast] I will give a lecture at the Zen Translation Forum [Zen translation board] of the San Francisco Zen Center as part of a program entitled "Dogen: Lost and Found in Translation "[literally" Dogen: Lost and Found in Translation ", alluding to" Lost in Translation ", the title of a Film]. The program will be broadcast live on the web starting at 14 PST clock with an introduction by Steve Stuckey, abbot of the San Francisco Zen Center.

The URL for the live broadcast is . The live stream will also include presentations led by Mel Weitmann, abbot of Berkeley Zen Center and a panel discussion by Steven Heine William Bodiford, Taiger Dan Leighton and Susan Moon. It will continue to be presentations by Fred Bossevain, Gaelyn Godwin from the Houston Zen Center, Chozen and Hogen Bays, and a live auction of calligraphy Kazuaki Tanahashi.

It should be fun. My presentation is entitled "Dogen for punks." It should stand out from all the serious, erudite stuff like a sore thumb.

you will all try to answer questions from the online audience to open. So try your luck if you come by and watch. My presentation will be fairly brief, so I recommend you send in your comments in time.

After San Francisco I drive south to Los Angeles where I have a bus load of gigs.

9 . November 2010 (Tue) 19 clock - Hill Street Center 237 Hill St., Santa Monica, CA 90 405

• 10 November 2010 (Wed) 7 clock (yes, the 7 clock is the morning!) Dharma Zen Center 1025 S Cloverdale Ave Los Angeles, CA 90019-6733

10th November 2010 (Wed) 19:30 clock - Against The Stream 4300 Melrose Ave. Los Angeles, CA

12th November 2010 (Fri) - 19 clock - An Lac Buddhist Temple 901 S. Saticoy Avenue, Ventura, CA 93004th $ 2 donation.

14th November 2010 (Sun) 19 Clock -. Bodhi Tree Bookstore 8585 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles, CA

Now that you're know there is no excuse to miss one!


Often when I speak to an audience of Zen, which consists mostly of people that know nothing about Zen, I have to deal with me for a deep-seated misunderstandings Zen. Just last week I gave a lecture in which I have not once mentioned the concept of non-attachment. When I started to have questions answered said a type "You talk about lack of commitment and I do not agree that people should try to be aloof and independent with no personal relationships. I think personal relationships, even sexual in nature, can be very beneficial to be the things everyone needs, etc., etc. "If

do you know my opinion on this topic, I have the one chapter of my new book Sex, Sin, and Zen: Dedicated A Buddhist Exploration of Sex from Celibacy to polyamory and Everything in Between . But each of you has read something of what I wrote certainly know that I do not sit around here and just try to persuade their people to give up all personal relationships. And you should only the Amazon description of my book read, you know for sure that I tell people not to give up sex!

The point I am trying to set them is that although I have not said anything about a distant, to have detached attitude, had heard this type of probably a few things about Zen, assuming that it is all about Ungebundensein and permanently with me after what he perceived supposedly in my speech more deeply. Although the subject came up, he never heard what it all came to me through this filter.

It's interesting how that happens and it will probably be my life's work all the misconceptions about the Zen practice I meet to unravel. Especially the days I come across a book in which he said "Certainly, Buddha was right, that love is the source of pain and misery, suffering and despair is. He also teaches that life and love would be worth the trouble. " Au grief!

Not that I would be the Super Smart would know of all the alpha and omega of Zen. But some of the misconceptions out there are so huge and deep! Occasionally, these misconceptions lead people to even believe they could achieve enlightenment in one hour ...

There is a song about it:

All Is One

You see! I even knew how to time a drum machine programmed!

Just a few observations for the moment. See you this weekend on the internet!

Market Sphere Unclaimed Property Rip Off

"Sex at Dawn" criticism and subscribe

Monday 01 November 2010

First, there is a new podcast interview I did:


I also something new for Suicide Girls (SG) did. It is here: . There is a review of the new book Sex at Dawn: The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality . I will give some time over at the SG before I comment on that. But I think that there is to say a few more items to the book.

The new SG blog page will be suitable for viewing at work and is free accessible for everybody.

That's it for now. I will schreiben.OH more on this subject in the next 1-2 days! And if you're in San Francisco or Los Angeles, I will make in the next few weeks, a whole busload of lectures and other things there. Go to for details. I'll see you there!

Toner For Ginger Hair

Is it "zen-moderate" to give the victims to blame?

Saturday 30 October 2010

An anonymous commentator on this blog said:

" You should not see people as victims, because the victims are those who have debt. I guess you could say that they wanted or needed to be abused. Anyway, this controversy does not seem the time, effort and energy to worthy to be the Brad should pay her to form a general opinion. The guy has to flog T-shirts. "

This was in response to my response to comments regarding allegations against a certain Zen teacher. He is mentioned by name in the comment section. I will not name him but here. In essence, I said that I had the feeling things would have the time, effort and energy is not worth that I should pay her for her to go so far as to the reason that I could form an opinion. It would require a lot of detective work to find a meaning in it who did what and why in the middle of the rumor mill to me at the moment is a source of information available. I expressed the opinion that there is a "Buyer, be vigilant!" situation is when you begin to work with any spiritual teacher. Even if I had to toss out what I think really happened in this case and my opinion would make known to the would not do much good. Not everyone listens to me and even if I would blow the whistle just a guy. I have neither the time nor the energy to play the tendency for the whole world of spiritual masters police.

I have a lot in my books, on this blog and in posts I've made for various magazines and written about in interviews and public Presentations talked about how it is the minority of abusive charlatans to discover camouflaged as a Zen teacher and other types of spiritual masters. My friend Scott Edelstein has just completed a book entitled Sex and the Spiritual Teacher: Why It Happens, When It's a problem, and What We All Can Do published. The book is a lot of energy in order to address such problems and to help future students understand how to not fall into the same traps as others have already done.

There is a movement underway to address some kind of recognized Soto Zen teacher to launch. The Soto Zen Buddhist Association (SZBA) is a group that tries to control its members and sort out the fraud. I am one of several reasons SZBA not, one of which was that I think that the strategy to create a database of reliable teachers must ultimately fail. One might assume that one of the Urziele the Holy Roman Catholic Church was an organization set up which would control themselves, so that every time you gave your children in the care of the members of this organization you have had the assurance that someone would be responsible should go wrong anything. We all know how well that worked. The SZBA at the moment seems to be quite good, but this is ultimately a losing game in advance *.

All you can really do is to use general terms. I used the phrase "buyer be vigilant" to bring the expression. It is best to his bullshit detector to maintain whenever you encounter any kind of spiritual teacher. Buddha himself has said this even in Kalama Sutra which I have quoted so often it hurts.

This comment, however, speaks to another, deeper aspect. The author of the commentary says, " the victims are those who are to blame. I guess you could say that they wanted or needed to be abused. " I must assume that he views me which he believes that I have expressed them in my face trying to throw back. But he did not get it. So I try again.

I have often said that whatever in this life we happen to have wanted at some level or be used. When I say that I set it only inside, turn it on me himself. I consider never someone else in a shitty situation and say "This person must have intended." But I consider myself often, even in a shitty situation and ask myself "How I wanted Used that to me so fucking what happened? "

Strategy wanted to show to others and they say whatever terrible things happened to them does anyone. I strongly advise against it. Everyone will hate you if you say it loud. If you say it only to yourself you will end up come over all smug and heartless and will then hate you too. So do not even say it to yourself, no matter how tempting it may be. This is a very important point. Go away not just enjoy it, please.

But though I have this perspective on my own applying to cope with my suffering easier. I remember at one of the first events when I tried to apply this thinking to myself. It was early in the '90s. I was brutally least physically attacked by people I did not know the reasons that I never could figure out. As far as I could tell the time and can now say in retrospect, the attack was completely random. And, by the way, these guys have definitely tried to kill me.

I will not go into the whole story. Maybe I've told elsewhere, I do not know. However, after the attack I thought to myself, "Buddhism has taught us that what happens in life we wanted anyway, how to apply that in this case?"

One may assume that this kind of thinking would lead to feelings of guilt and I would feel even worse. But that did not happen. When I started so consider me feel less like a helpless victim and more like a person could actively do something to improve his life. For the first time in my life I did not feel like a victim of circumstance [ victim of circumstance ] and took control of my destiny. If I had not begun to think so, I would perhaps still in Akron, Ohio to live and feel sorry for myself.

It does not matter to me whether this idea is objectively true or not. I think it's true or I would not use it. But even if it should make out that I'm wrong, this view has been so incredibly helpful that I would not give up on them anyway.

Although I never thought this way to other users and say "Ha! They wanted this terrible thing happened, "I try to communicate this view other since they were so useful to me. Certainly the danger lies in the fact that what I will tell of people misinterpreted that rewrote the way in which the the comment. But I can also be seen clearly that absolutely everything you say is misunderstood and. Even if you discard a vow of silence, and it can and will be misinterpreted. Such is life.

I would also like to thank the author of the comment that he has indicated the availability of an ever-growing selection of attractive T-shirt which I at http:/ / / people / brad warner designed. Get yours today!

And should you be and talk to me about it do in Montreal go to 19 clock to Chapters bookstore downtown where I will sign books .

hot * What not to say that I will never join the SZBA. Maybe one day. But not because it would change my opinion on this particular point.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Pregnant Woman Vergina


Thursday 28 October 2010

Before I forget, I've uploaded some new T-shirt designs on Red Bubble. You can put it with a click here View . The Ultraman design, there will not be long. If you are thinking about it you get, you should do it now.

When I made 2009 my first trip to Finland I was from a guy named Sike Sillanpää (Say it like it is written, if you know how to pronounce things in Finnish) and he accompanied translate it into a movie. Sike was an interesting guy. He said little about, and it seemed as if he needed to eat. We always joked that he was living on sunshine and good mood.

I like his film very much. It is an honest documentation of what happened on the tour. He has the whole thing purely recently found on YouTube and asked me to let you throw nice people in blogland a look at it. So, here it is:

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fight Night Round 3 1000g

T-Shirts and other questions

Sunday 24 October 2010

First of all, for those of you who have asked for T-Shirts: I have decided to try a company called Red Bubble and to watch how it works. Yes, you can now by clicking this link T-shirts and hoodies order ! Juhu!

I've uploaded two designs which you can get as T-shirts, stickers and hoodies. If you order something I write 'ne quick email to and let me know how it is.


I would like to ask you something for motivation to continue my practice of zazen.

I sit for about 5 years of almost daily zazen and I have the feeling lately that it has become very easy. Ironically, it is true that the easier it was more difficult it could find reasons to continue my practice. I mean in the beginning it was kind of cool if I had managed to sit for 20 minutes staring at the wall, but now I find it hard to have a motive to see continue. I was just wondering if you had to say something clever about this topic.


This is one of the questions I get asked more than any other. How to get started with the Zen practice? How do I stay tuned?

It usually ends with the fact that the questioners are looking for motivation. But I wonder whether the motivation is really what we need.

The declared purpose of Dharmavortrages is usually encouragement. The presentation is designed to provide listeners with the motivation to continue with this often difficult and seemingly fruitless exercise. If these Dharma talks will often - as my do it often - phrases such as Kodo Sawaki notorious "! Zazen is good for nothing" are, then you often get the impression they would be useless. Why should we continue with something if it is good for nothing?

The only way I can answer this question is to try rauszukriegen why I use it to keep going. I guess I'm a good test case for this, because I have this pointless exercise of well and held out like twenty years and have no intention to stop it. However, I wonder of occasions why I do it, even while I there on a rolled-up towel with their faces to the wall of any hotel room in the middle of a foreign country seats, while sirens blare outside or shred prayer calls from the local mosque my eardrums, after early wake up and moving the breakfast to be able to do just that stuff.

But even as I wonder about why I do it, I'll just continue. Even knowing that it is good for nothing, I continued to sit. Am I am an idiot? Maybe. And perhaps that is exactly what it needs.

I once made zazen because I wanted to have an enlightenment experience. Plain and simple. I did not start with this motivation, but pretty soon after I started with zazen, I read Philip Kapleaus Three Pillars of Zen with his stunning descriptions of real enlightenment experience and that's what I wanted. It turned out that this is a miserable motivation because it's not just happened. And so I gave up.

was only when I stopped Zazen I discovered the only form of motivation that worked really ever. Quite simply, I felt crap when I stopped the zazen. The first few times when I stopped the exercise, I could not understand why I felt crappy Sun Then when I started again, everything was a little better. It was not a huge improvement. But it was better than if I had not made it. So I went back to practice.

I've said this more than I can count it and I am sure that in the one form or another in most of my books is. And I know that there was already a few times in this blog. But people still ask me for motivation ...

I can say a few things to help you. That is one thing, it gets better. There are moments of real insight and transcendence have. You can break through some garbage that has up until now held back. Perhaps you have even one of these so-called "enlightenment experiences".

I do not insist that these things do not happen. They do. And they have a certain value. Sure. But as I said, enlightenment is for wimps. It is not the meaning of the practice. It is not the goal.

Ultimately we need to supply all our own motivation. What motivates me might not work for you. Hopefully this will help you find your own.


you realize that your mind to anything definite fokussierst, you let your Aufmerktsamkeit to where it goes down, but thou mayest observe to that your posture is correct.

It is my experience that every teacher's attitude in zazen slightly different teaches. The back of the hand resting on the thighs, the hands so that the little finger resting on the abdomen just below the navel, an example.

But now comes the real question: If zazen "getting up and walking around" like Kobun Chino Otogawa claims that it does occasionally, as you make sure that the attitude is correct?


This will I also asked frequently. A popular variation is: How do I store the zazen mind if I do not sit on the pillow? And again I can only answer from my own experience.

I used to work in such things. When I started I had to sit part-time job as a postman. When I went to my routes so I stayed on the emotional feelings that I kept my back straight and my chest while I went and opened to the color of the sky and the sounds around me. Things like that. I read it in a book, I think. Probably no Zen book.

Nowadays I do not really. Or I'm not aware of. Maybe I've internalized it and made a habit. I do not know.

At some point, maybe after a decade or so of practice, I noticed something strange. Colors had become more intense, sounds sharper, clearer my vision somehow extended my senses somehow. It was a black gauze veil was a large [very fine mesh fabric] of my entire body wrapped away and I could now see things and learn direct. The only other time I've felt something similar when I was was on LSD.

had what can happen? I do not know. Over ten years of zazen each morning and evening as well as masses of multi-day Zen retreat certainly had something to do with it. But it was not as I would have driven me to this experience.

Nowadays I do not feel right if I drown myself in a chair or sofa leave. A few years ago I had my sofa in the living room (when I had a living room, what a luxury!) Abolished because I could not bear to sit on. I could not concentrate on anything. I replaced the sofa against a few pillows on the floor.

Right now I'm sitting in a coffee shop (Shaika on Sherbrooke in Montreal's NDG district ) and I lean not to the chair because if I do that it feels too lax and unfocused. If I drive the car I ask myself the rest of the seat almost vertically, otherwise I feel like I'm only half awake.

So as you look at the preserved Zengeist while doing something else? Just as if you zazen itself do when you realize that you return drift away at the right attitude. If you find that you drift away again, do it again. After a while, this is a new habit and you will not have to think much about it.

said in his commentary on the Heart Sutra, Dogen: "There are four cases of Prajna occurring daily, walking, standing, sitting and lying down." Prajna is intuitive wisdom. So was Dogen all wisdom, everything was zazen. Whether we realize it or not is not important.

good? Good.

Now I go do something else!

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