Tuesday 16 November 2010
Here I am at the Philadelphia International Airport with an hour until my flight back twice relocated to Montreal's. I had another day in Los Angeles after the first flight I had booked was delayed, so I missed my connecting flight would. Now my connecting flight was canceled to Montreal and I was pushed into another. That is the reason why I should travel less!
I've seen some of the comments, and I want everyone to point to a website which is linked since ancient times on this blog, but some people commenting here seems to be missed:
Lectures and Articles by Nishijima Roshi ['s lectures and articles by Nishijima Roshi]
One of the comments in the last post here was referring apparently to Nishijima "Very personal and special Dogen's interpretation." I assume he means Nishijima's idea of the four times the logical structure of the Shobogenzo. Reading these kind of Dogen is not just a personal preference, but the result of decades of work with the text. Nishijima has written to read a very detailed explanation of its kind Shobogenzo that as a free download here is available:
Understanding Shobogenzo [To understand the Shobogenzo]
A Another comment says something like that Nishijima "was the ANS [autonomic nervous system] / Four perspectives-nerd ". Nishijima ideas for ANS are discussed here:
Buddhism and the Autonomic Nervous System [Buddhism and the autonomic nervous system]
I these ideas find no way "strange". He tried to use the language of science rather than a mystical, to explain the impact of zazen practice. He does not claim to be a neurologist or even an expert on the functioning of the ANS. He is right in the first paragraph with perfectly clear. But he finds this Kind of explanation as zazen much more useful than the earlier works, mystical-sounding language.
It is easy to squeeze the entire work of someone in a few words rausgepickte and thereby completely rejected. D [aisetz]. T. Suzuki has done this when he wrote of Dogen. happens to the the best and is often committed by people who have impressive references.
I just wanted to give anyone interested a chance to check out Nishijima's own words at himself. Most articles on the above linked page to read short and simple.
* Editor's note: "Philadelphia Freedom" [Philadelphia Freedom] is an allusion to a song (1975) by Elton John, which is now regarded as a kind of anthem of the city in terms of their love of freedom and historical influences in the country .
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