Monday, March 7, 2011

Can Hemmorrhoids Effect A Colonoscopy

Guest: From the simplicity

Imagine again, the Internet would be erased overnight. Television is also no doubt. Instead of informational content qua qua emptiness Informationslosigkeit moved the complete absence of form. Deformed and distorted, a hollow container for a inhaltsentledigte void, it is this last crumbling remnant of shape, which encloses its content or protective. The Full Monty: abolish, destroy. Her appeal to the medial poverty. Silence. Isolation? No, they do not.

A town very innocent, betraying white. That is, what one sees them: the neon signs and billboards, shop windows and the price tags, the graffiti and concert posters, the fundraiser and the beggars, the landmark and the grubby corners. - All covered up in impenetrable white. A city that is nothing and nothing requires that not bothered and does not pay. No shouting, no rustling, just you and the simplicity of Zion.

other hand,

This absurd, post-modern liberal justification for autonomous and self-design is a swan song to the high culture, a dilution of what is good and expensive, a nuisance to the public. The lack of standards is the lack of form and finally to the lack of content. With your colorful Wolkenwanderei, which means less than she says her sullied the only thing that is true and endures: Your passes you in the emotions and the memories of people, you create malformed copies, copies, copies, only to obscure the essence and wrapped in an increasingly dense cocoon to recognize up nothing more. No feeling, no content is true and honest. All just a pale imitation of a fake illusion of a copy.

consumed your feelings and experiences that are bad fakes! You buy illusion and delusion, emptiness fills you in with colorful bubbles! Your passionate desire for truth and inventory always drives a perpetual, tortured search for fulfillment on, which makes you more and more empty and hollow!

It takes another form, where you can hold on to. One can form the content of produce.


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