Tuesday 12 October 2010
Recently, I give tons of interviews for my new book . Some were really good. But do not most people let me interview me where I can find the interview online. Here are two who did it:
interview on Shambhala Sun Space
Body Mind Spirit by Bob Gregoire
also is my new column for Suicide Girls SFW [SafeForWork / suitable for the job *] Blog now online . From next time (in 2 weeks), I start new things to deliver.
something interesting here that sent me a friend
She said at first they thought it would be a parody. Unfortunately, it is real. Is Yoga demonic?
This video is really amazing because it offers a good look at all the weird and wonderful ways of looking at the religious right to yoga and Buddhism.
We see that "Zen Booty-ism" ** (because it sounds exactly what the lady is saying) damn sure is that it encourages people to empty their minds. Instead we are told that Christianity requires us to "fill our minds with Christ."
I'm a little curious where this view comes from actually, that the aim of Buddhism is to empty his mind. Maybe there is somewhere out there Buddhist teachers have the people really say they should clear their minds. However, I am still not met. The confusion may stem from the use of the word "emptiness" which was used to the concept of to translate Shunyata . Then you know, that these crazy sit as the exit on empty for longer periods of breastfeeding, so they have to be here to clear her mind. Captain Kirk can tell you how terrible it is his spirit drained completely get .
the mind of a person is to be filled with Christ a fascinating idea. It's hard to imagine what the person says in the video - no one less than a psychologist - actually says. I can only assume that it means to think of Christ and think and think. Perhaps one should build up a picture of Christ in spirit and fix to imagine how he would perceive things, what he would do in various situations, recorded his words and deeds in the Bible. You would have to be constantly compare with this imaginary Christ. And, of course, one could never come close to him.
Unfortunately, I think some of us just as Buddhists deal with certain aspects of Buddhism. We put our their brains as if we the standards as set by the vows or mythical great masters of the past that match. Or do we imagine we would have a blank mind, like the people in the video we think would be just the attempt, and we beat themselves because we never attain true emptiness. We think we should be attentive, compassionate, confident. Damn it! We never make it! I know I've done that very often. Because I grew up in a culture that hinstellt such thought as an ideal.
But Buddhism demands that we do not want us to empty our minds or that we fill our spirit with Buddha. It asks us to honestly acknowledge who and what we really are. In this way we can see clearly what we do and should not do. Whether we recognize this is a different matter. Practice, practice, practice .
OK, Some of you have the "Donate" button in the upper left notes on my website . Thank you! So that it feels like a little would get as The reader will be something for more money I begin to answer the questions you send me you out there. Send your questions to:
... and I watch what I can do.
re-do self-promotion for two things to which I next week in New York. The first is a Büchersignieren to 19 Clock 15 October in Iinterdependence Project in East Village . Be There!
The next two days, 16th and 17 October, we make a two-day retreat without accommodation in the Interdependence Project in the East Village . This is an excellent opportunity for all those who want even get a real taste of zazen. This retreat is open for beginners, experience is not necessary. It will focus on the shikantaza zazen-style, as taught by Dogen Zenji was. There is no accommodation which means that you get out and after you can make a nice night in Manhattan, instead of being cooped up with a bunch of Zen-bore all night.
way, I must say that some of the comments are here at the post before this really well. For the first time ever I have to recommend the people who normally never look at the comments a look at it to throw.
* Note note: put in. So if a colleague or a boss's head to the door, it looks unsuspicious on the monitor.
** Zen Booty-ism ("Booty" is a term for umgangspraclicher butt / buttocks)