Thursday 7 October 2010
Greetings and Bonjour from Montreal!
Before I start I need to apply make two things to which I next week in New York will. The first is a Büchersignieren the clock by 19 15th October in Iinterdependence Project in East Village . look around worried, do a book, sign it, let you have 'a good time.
The other is a larger event. The next two days, 16th and 17 October, we make a two-day retreat without accommodation Interdependence in the East Village Project . This is an excellent opportunity for those who want even get a real taste of zazen. This retreat is open for beginners, experience is not necessary. It will focus on zazen shikantaza in style as he set taught by Dogen Zenji. There is no accommodation which means that you get out and after you can make a nice night in Manhattan, instead of being cooped up with a bunch of Zen-bore.
me sick when people exaggerate such things as a great Enlightenment orgies so inclined I do play them down and say they are boring. But seriously, I never seen so many multi-day Zen retreat would lead if I did not think that it would be really worthwhile.
You may Tues introduce r, that sit at home and stare at the wall is exactly the same as when you do it with a group of people. But it really is not. The practice has a force when you make it in the group that you otherwise would not find and longer sessions are an opportunity to dive deeper into the practice. It is almost impossible to apply self-discipline for long term sitting alone. If you are practicing with a group, you benefit from the common commitment of others and what seemed impossible becomes easy.
I can to anyone who is still undecided about the whole Zen Krams out an urgent request to come and get to know it in this relatively painless way. In some strange way these meetings are really fun. You learn a lot about yourself, that you knew not before. For me it is always like that and I'm sitting God knows how many times a year for more than half of my life. DO IT!
I stand while of the weekend for individual conversations.
OK. So much work I strip for my new book Sex, Sin and promote Zen and every time when I interviewed give lectures or think I learn more about the book.
The reports were very interesting because this time even the bad reviews were just that of which I g had ehofft that the book would cause this. When I first met the third pledge "not to abuse sexuality" the whole thing, I was confused. I had heard what right-wing Christian Psycho cases had to say about their view of sexual abuse and accepted that the Buddhists probably the same talking. Despite the attempts of my first teacher to take me to the things to see otherwise, I found out only that there is absolutely not the same when I went to Japan and lived there. wanted
The type of the interviewed me today about my "style" in my written word to speak. He wanted to know if I deliberately stir up trouble or if I'm just naturally so. He spoke of my radical views on sexuality and this only if I setting out to provoke a reaction.
And I thought about how I live in such a kind of comic double world. For many of the people I know from Suicide Girls, the punk scene or life in general my views on sexuality seem absolutely prehistoric. You are not in the least radical. I work more like an old codger. Then I enter the Buddha-boring country and look like a filthy infidel pussy obsessed with the rumwedelt its tail in front of everyone. I so think that what really happened is that I walk the middle way.
Many people fail NEN to be fascinated by the dichotomy between how I am when I write and how I am when I speak in public or speak with them personally. But I see it not so. You accuse me of any wrong to have invented hip character is not my true self. I do not think I'm doing something like this.
But all this is really great because, what I most wanted to achieve with my book was that people start to talk about the things which they have been talking about does not really. Because this stuff should really be discussed in public. There are simply too many false assumptions about how my assumptions about the third Buddist vow which I thought it was a call to be as chaste and pure as the children of a Fernsehpredigersr .
I see you in New York City!
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