On September 15 was our return flight to Recife - actually.
has unfortunately not improved Thomas health, so we currently can not return to Brazil. We have now moved to Dietzhölztal-Ewersbach where the headquarters of the Alliance's mission. There we can live in a missionary home and Elke is something people in the office, what do us both good, because it at least a little "Vida Normal" brings to everyday life.
Thomas is now before a difficult treatment, as has so far shown no improvement. The treatment last year in Brazil will be repeated in Siegen.
How would we like instead of our location in Itapuama.
The staff there are often faced with great challenges and the state makes those who help unfortunately, not always easy. By amending legislation, children only 2 years left on a home and then returned to their families or foster families. A good approach in itself, because if the conditions would do so. For children from the street, this period is almost always too short and how to foster families are found for children who need a high support costs without any financial compensation for foster parents? The family court judge will face new obligations which they must deal in a short time and then goes often to the detriment of children. Their Needs and their welfare remain on the track. For example, of the project staff is currently writing many reports, hearings are conducted and decisions of the authorities taken, the implementation is not always in the interest of the children.
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