This is a matter for the former squat in the Liebigstraße is 14 but already a while ago and although I do not much about it knows it is me but still a strange offense. Whether the eviction was morally right and wrong, I can not judge, but it seems to me the legal decision that the naively romantic discussions opposes enough content to detect this childish posturing at least on a rational level as an injustice. The
touched me but in my Friedrichshain hardly everyday, I have to do next with these no-inappropriate are marginalized and have always gotten along all these years in peaceful coexistence. That here more often to friction comes as elsewhere in the city bothered me far less, but the escalating rage of Liebig -14-sympathizers - or that are made by the press to - shows me once again what a unreflective Ideas behind it.
As a pack of fighting politically questionable people for a very special affair, and is relying, as usual, the health and sometimes the lives of police officers at risk, and get there at least for once not on the series, the other stakeholders in the conflict to keep out . After all was faster than the demise of the squat than expected, saw the angry mob - at least what one reads in the press, and I do not mean Goss papers like the TAZ and the New Germany - no other outlet than the return to old ideologies, which become less unworldliness and ridicule anything.
The battle against the evil government, the interior minister and his demonic minions in nefarious Green is once again lost (verflixt!), but at least you can reap its questionable success in the unequal struggle with a declared enemy of Cardinal: the capital *. What is often and extensively decorated with a Marxist pathos, which bears in the hands of these lunatics more properties of a twilight of the gods than the real policy is an easy target, which can serve for everything and must therefore particularly happy in the hour of defeat and resignation is called. This finds expression in detail so frustrated that gooders use stones and a sledgehammer to destroy several shop windows.
However, not that of the large banks and investment companies, no, this time the players thought their distorted image of the enemy in Friedrichshain branches of the Berliner Sparkasse seen. So that public financial institution, not primarily devoted to the generation of profits , but the power of the citizen, those who bank at which will likely also bulk of the demonstrators an account. On the meaning of this action therefore needs to be lost nothing.
similar happened around the Münzstraße where I asked myself these days, why so many shop windows were smashed. Again, it is said to have acted -14 pendant around Liebig, in their blind rage by the target strayed far. For me it is not obvious what to do about Filippa K and the fine Deten be a homeowner (which in the other case, of course, be no reasonable explanation). Will you give here about his opposition to the so-called " Yuppi " expression? Ridiculous and childish at the same time.
You may want to Liebig 14 as you want: You have to admit, after all, that the Fanale this insane light on the Nuclear debate throwing, the discussion is not conducive. And so the left-wing idiots play once again sidelined the socio-political space.
* In the left-wing universe that, like the riots around Liebig 14 showed, in addition to the above examples such as: BVG machines, Vattenfall vehicles, power distribution boxes, phone booths, individual shops and discount , Private cars and probably more. So this is the face of capitalism. Creepy.
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