Saturday, February 12, 2011

Point Of Sale For Yogurt Shops

Happy starts with a good coffee. NOT!

A friend of mine shot a nice video about the idea of abuse by the WerbiIndustrie! Have fun!

"The story goes like this. We are the generation that can not be mad because she has everything Macbooks, iPhones, and enough drugs a generation satisfied But somehow this does not work anyway because the world now bad... . is because we are the playthings of short-sighted reforms and no one listens to us
Then we give ourselves the illusion that we have ideas and look forward to such opportunities as / -. a short film competition. What to do, create something, which will also include some way, perhaps. Well.

What to do with us and all the other ambitious "amateur filmmakers and film students? With people who feel like it have a story to tell, to make a film. Instead what you can use any one topic, we get the new slogan of McCafe set before us has already annoyed at the many posters in its infantile simplicity. Thousands are ambassadors for advertising and most probably do not know, because "presented by McCafe" only on the homepage is it, that there is a connection.

Thus, the looks in the wishful thinking of - / video / video.php v = 500507571181

We are not naive. We know that we need sponsors, money, we know how it goes. That there can be such things only if any of the companies in the keywords' movie ',' young, 'modern', 'creative', 'fashion' - '- can bask Fuck you'. But that goes so far that people will simply take the slogan of this company and the content of all entries makes. And then you wonder why the German cinema only works Til Schweiger.

Shame on you. For your insolence, for your lack of vision, for your greed.

Everything is good, but not with your coffee.

music from the MIX - / esp-institute / track # timed-new-comment-at-4526791 "


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