Friday, October 15, 2010

Dora's Backpack Gift Bags

Empty the mind?

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Recently, I give tons of interviews for my new book . Some were really good. But do not most people let me interview me where I can find the interview online. Here are two who did it:

interview on Shambhala Sun Space

Body Mind Spirit by Bob Gregoire

also is my new column for Suicide Girls SFW [SafeForWork / suitable for the job *] Blog now online . From next time (in 2 weeks), I start new things to deliver.

something interesting here that sent me a friend

She said at first they thought it would be a parody. Unfortunately, it is real. Is Yoga demonic?

This video is really amazing because it offers a good look at all the weird and wonderful ways of looking at the religious right to yoga and Buddhism.

We see that "Zen Booty-ism" ** (because it sounds exactly what the lady is saying) damn sure is that it encourages people to empty their minds. Instead we are told that Christianity requires us to "fill our minds with Christ."

I'm a little curious where this view comes from actually, that the aim of Buddhism is to empty his mind. Maybe there is somewhere out there Buddhist teachers have the people really say they should clear their minds. However, I am still not met. The confusion may stem from the use of the word "emptiness" which was used to the concept of to translate Shunyata . Then you know, that these crazy sit as the exit on empty for longer periods of breastfeeding, so they have to be here to clear her mind. Captain Kirk can tell you how terrible it is his spirit drained completely get .

the mind of a person is to be filled with Christ a fascinating idea. It's hard to imagine what the person says in the video - no one less than a psychologist - actually says. I can only assume that it means to think of Christ and think and think. Perhaps one should build up a picture of Christ in spirit and fix to imagine how he would perceive things, what he would do in various situations, recorded his words and deeds in the Bible. You would have to be constantly compare with this imaginary Christ. And, of course, one could never come close to him.

Unfortunately, I think some of us just as Buddhists deal with certain aspects of Buddhism. We put our their brains as if we the standards as set by the vows or mythical great masters of the past that match. Or do we imagine we would have a blank mind, like the people in the video we think would be just the attempt, and we beat themselves because we never attain true emptiness. We think we should be attentive, compassionate, confident. Damn it! We never make it! I know I've done that very often. Because I grew up in a culture that hinstellt such thought as an ideal.

But Buddhism demands that we do not want us to empty our minds or that we fill our spirit with Buddha. It asks us to honestly acknowledge who and what we really are. In this way we can see clearly what we do and should not do. Whether we recognize this is a different matter. Practice, practice, practice .


OK, Some of you have the "Donate" button in the upper left notes on my website . Thank you! So that it feels like a little would get as The reader will be something for more money I begin to answer the questions you send me you out there. Send your questions to:

... and I watch what I can do.


re-do self-promotion for two things to which I next week in New York. The first is a Büchersignieren to 19 Clock 15 October in Iinterdependence Project in East Village . Be There!

The next two days, 16th and 17 October, we make a two-day retreat without accommodation in the Interdependence Project in the East Village . This is an excellent opportunity for all those who want even get a real taste of zazen. This retreat is open for beginners, experience is not necessary. It will focus on the shikantaza zazen-style, as taught by Dogen Zenji was. There is no accommodation which means that you get out and after you can make a nice night in Manhattan, instead of being cooped up with a bunch of Zen-bore all night.


way, I must say that some of the comments are here at the post before this really well. For the first time ever I have to recommend the people who normally never look at the comments a look at it to throw.

* Note note: put in. So if a colleague or a boss's head to the door, it looks unsuspicious on the monitor.

** Zen Booty-ism ("Booty" is a term for umgangspraclicher butt / buttocks)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Can You Have Bronchitis And Strep

sexual preferences? Sexual Schmäferenzen!

Saturday 9 there in October 2010

There an excerpt from my new book which kindly by Shambhala Sun Space uploaded. The book is course Sex, Sin and Zen which now is in selected book stores everywhere.

you will find that the statement is followed by a discussion of my use of the term "sexual preferences". One reader took offense at it and said

" The term" sexual preference trivialized "the agony of what gays and lesbians often have to make with yourself and others about be honest with who they are. Many do not come so far and lose their lives. Others lose their lives by not tolerate murder from the hands of the psychopaths whose honesty. If sexual orientation would be a simple matter of preference and people could choose "to have no preference", as Brad suggests it, there would be no one to four times higher suicide rate among gay teens, compared to heterosexual teens. Most of these children are certainly not at peace with their "preferences" - and would, at this stage, probably choose differently if they had the strength. They have "preferences" with respect to the kind of clothing they wear and the music they hear and the movies they watch and depend on the locations of them, but sexual identity is moving at a level of higher complexity. The causes and conditions, as far as we understand it (which frankly does not go very far), including both biology and psychology, assessment and socialization. "

There is still much more to this than just talk including some comments from Rod Meade Sperry-releases of the exodus and has made it clear that I have the book does not represent the view that sexual orientation is only a matter of preference. But as you can Hop over and read the rest if you like. Here is my answer:

An interesting discussion! The word "preference" is unfortunate indeed. In the part of the book comes from the extract I tried the Buddhist idea of "preferences to avoid" to be considered. So I rode around on that word. I do not think anyone chooses to be homosexual rather than heterosexual as one chooses to order strawberry ice cream instead of vanilla. And Dennis is right, many appear to many people in our culture to think it was something like that.

One of the many interesting aspects of Zen practice for me personally, has been the discovery that there is an incredible diversity of thoughts and desires appear in my head when I stop again to work so much because I myself define herself. Among the many things I discovered was the fact that my own personal sexual orientation was not a hard and rigid thing. Since I am the kind of person I am, was the idea that I occasionally find men sexually attractive is not really a big shock. Some of the other things that I recognized I were seriously worrying. That I could feel myself attracted to men was not a big Thing, especially when compared to others. is

The point on which I would like to come here a little awkward, that sexual orientation - hetero, gay, bisexual, tranny, queer, etc. - I think only one of a large collection of things we use to be constantly our temporary perception of self-define and strengthen. Ultimately, everything is illusion, even if it is a useful temporary delusion. Some of it may even be so far true. But still it is not enough really approach the who we really are.

I am informed in the Zenschule in which we are taught no hard line to move between the ultimate and relative truth. The official line in Zen is that ultimate and relative truth are one and the same. Dennis is right in terms of magnitude between prefer the Ramones over Air Supply in comparison to one's sexual orientation. Nevertheless, as a Zen-convert only remains for me the point clear that everything is relative, no matter how real it seems. But the indisputable fact that I am a living person on planet earth, is again only a relative truth (and, as such, even an absolute truth). So this is a very big issue, far more so than the one he could ever meet in the comments of Shamhala Space blog.

However, I am ultimately still just as hetero as I ever was. As Dennis points, it's part of my personal karma. Regardless of what I have found through my practice, I can not just go through an act of will on the other side. In my own case I am happy that there is no social pressure to do so. It must be really cruel if the pressure is there.

But I think that I personally am much more comfortable with myself, because I was able to drop some of the hard holding on to my sexual identity - along with several other aspects of identity. I can imagine that there are many good people would do these things to discover in themselves. This applies in particular for straight people like me, I think. And here is why:

We all have to blindly meet their orientation with respect and dignity. That's for sure! I believe that the Buddhist practice may help to establish this in the number of people allowed them to identify how fluid identity - sexual or otherwise - really is.


re self-promotion for two events that I next week in New York do. The first is a Büchersignieren is on the clock by 19 15th Interdependence Project in October in the East Village . Be d a!

The next two days, 16th and 17 October, we make a two-day retreat without accommodation in the Interdependence Project in the East Village . This is an excellent opportunity for all those who want even get a real taste of zazen. This retreat is open for beginners, experience is not necessary. It will focus on the shikantaza zazen-style, as taught by Dogen Zenji. There is no accommodation which means that you get out and after you can make a nice night in Manhattan, instead of being cooped up with a bunch of Zen-bore.


And I would like to thank all who have exercised the "Donate" button use. Every little bit helps a lot. Thank you!

Cinamon Toothpaste Cankers

New York City!

Thursday 7 October 2010

Greetings and Bonjour from Montreal!

Before I start I need to apply make two things to which I next week in New York will. The first is a Büchersignieren the clock by 19 15th October in Iinterdependence Project in East Village . look around worried, do a book, sign it, let you have 'a good time.

The other is a larger event. The next two days, 16th and 17 October, we make a two-day retreat without accommodation Interdependence in the East Village Project . This is an excellent opportunity for those who want even get a real taste of zazen. This retreat is open for beginners, experience is not necessary. It will focus on zazen shikantaza in style as he set taught by Dogen Zenji. There is no accommodation which means that you get out and after you can make a nice night in Manhattan, instead of being cooped up with a bunch of Zen-bore.

me sick when people exaggerate such things as a great Enlightenment orgies so inclined I do play them down and say they are boring. But seriously, I never seen so many multi-day Zen retreat would lead if I did not think that it would be really worthwhile.

You may Tues introduce r, that sit at home and stare at the wall is exactly the same as when you do it with a group of people. But it really is not. The practice has a force when you make it in the group that you otherwise would not find and longer sessions are an opportunity to dive deeper into the practice. It is almost impossible to apply self-discipline for long term sitting alone. If you are practicing with a group, you benefit from the common commitment of others and what seemed impossible becomes easy.

I can to anyone who is still undecided about the whole Zen Krams out an urgent request to come and get to know it in this relatively painless way. In some strange way these meetings are really fun. You learn a lot about yourself, that you knew not before. For me it is always like that and I'm sitting God knows how many times a year for more than half of my life. DO IT!

I stand while of the weekend for individual conversations.

OK. So much work I strip for my new book Sex, Sin and promote Zen and every time when I interviewed give lectures or think I learn more about the book.

The reports were very interesting because this time even the bad reviews were just that of which I g had ehofft that the book would cause this. When I first met the third pledge "not to abuse sexuality" the whole thing, I was confused. I had heard what right-wing Christian Psycho cases had to say about their view of sexual abuse and accepted that the Buddhists probably the same talking. Despite the attempts of my first teacher to take me to the things to see otherwise, I found out only that there is absolutely not the same when I went to Japan and lived there. wanted

The type of the interviewed me today about my "style" in my written word to speak. He wanted to know if I deliberately stir up trouble or if I'm just naturally so. He spoke of my radical views on sexuality and this only if I setting out to provoke a reaction.

And I thought about how I live in such a kind of comic double world. For many of the people I know from Suicide Girls, the punk scene or life in general my views on sexuality seem absolutely prehistoric. You are not in the least radical. I work more like an old codger. Then I enter the Buddha-boring country and look like a filthy infidel pussy obsessed with the rumwedelt its tail in front of everyone. I so think that what really happened is that I walk the middle way.

Many people fail NEN to be fascinated by the dichotomy between how I am when I write and how I am when I speak in public or speak with them personally. But I see it not so. You accuse me of any wrong to have invented hip character is not my true self. I do not think I'm doing something like this.

But all this is really great because, what I most wanted to achieve with my book was that people start to talk about the things which they have been talking about does not really. Because this stuff should really be discussed in public. There are simply too many false assumptions about how my assumptions about the third Buddist vow which I thought it was a call to be as chaste and pure as the children of a Fernsehpredigersr .

I see you in New York City!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pinewood Derby Car What Tools To Carve

Tour Update and Zen Buddhism in the military

Sunday, October 3, 2010

I have just my
Never Ending Tour page updated. looks at you a few highlights as follows:


15th October 2010 (Fri) 19 clock - lecture and sign books in the Interdependence Project 302 3rd Stock (middle ring) New York, NY, 10012

16.-17. October 2010 (Sat - Sun) - Zazen Retreat without accommodation in the Interdependence Project 302 3rd Floor (middle ring) New York, NY, 10012

MONTREAL, QC [Quebec, Canada]

26th October 2010 (Tue) - 12 clock Lunch at Allen Memorial Hospital (McGill University)

26th October 2010 (Tue) - 7 Casa Del Popolo clock boul 4873rd St. Laurent Montreal, QC


7.-9. November 2010 Dogen translation project in the San Francisco Zen Center

LOS ANGELES, California

10th November 2010 (Wed) 19 clock - Against The Stream 4300 Melrose Ave. Los Angeles, CA

VENTURA, California

12. November 2010 (Fri) 19 Clock - An Lac Buddhist Temple 901 S. Saticoy Avenue, Ventura, CA 93004th

LOS ANGELES, California

14th November 2010 (Sun) 19 Clock -. Bodhi Tree Bookstore 8585 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles, CA

I've told you! Now there is no excuse to miss one of these events!

I am looking for a few nights in upstate New York to Spencertown to be exact. I'm not really sure where I'm right. The navigation system has me here tutored her, just as the star of these three Kings has piloted a long time ago. Next stop Montreal, Canada where I refer camp for the next 4-6 weeks (side trip from there are shown above).

I really have to do something else to eat I'm starving.

here an email to which I have just answered

I am an officer in the military and somewhat at a crossroads in my career. I was in the fighting forces when I was younger - I'm left to complete this 'fight for your country' stuff. Now it offers me for fighting Force and return to lead fighting soldiers.

Somewhere in all this, I discovered Zen and the "right livelihood" thing worries me. I understand that there are no binding rules and that anyone even his personal situation has to fathom. I also had "to have no life," an understanding of the cause-and gained for himself and not as any bid. I want to reduce suffering and no cause. I do not want to hurt people. However, I know that things in the real world are never that simple and that there are many good things you can do the soldiers in they protect the people physically, which can not protect themselves. It is a difficult dilemma. In terms of violent human conflict, I see little realistic solutions. Decide you do this to protect people, you have to kill people. If you decide to keep you out of there, the people you wanted to die might protect them. If lay down all their weapons - well, that would be great, but realistically it will not happen. So where is the solution?

MY ANSWER (for whatever it likes are good):

You're right. It is a dilemma.

The military is necessary, there is no doubt about it. Who's ever argued otherwise simply blinded and over-idealistic. As it is, real people have to serve in the military and must be trained to kill if necessary.

If you do something that is a social necessity, the right livelihood. to serve in the military is right livelihood. Absolutely.

Most of us would agree that it would be great if there would be no need for military when the whole world would be stable and at peace and that peace would not have to be defended by deadly violence. But since we currently are not. Peace must be defended by people who are trained those who would destroy him to kill. I'm sorry. But as things are.

I wish this were not true and I can do as much as I want, but it will be not be so.

The way to change things is to take the real situation and to improve it. When Buddhist teachers tell the people of military service was no right livelihood they face the day in the way of true peace will prevail in the. The more people in the military to practice Zen meditation, or any better.

I am glad that there are people like you are in the military. I wish it were more.

As for the moment in which you kill someone to have to protect someone else, that's too abstract for me as I could tell something useful to do so. I think at this moment you know if you pull the trigger or not. Your practice will help to clarify this.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Can You Put Eye Cream On

celebrities and economics

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

In Lately, I've often than before reading the comments here and made the interesting observation that complain some readers that I am here too much from myself and the subject of talk spiritual prominence and did not offer enough of what they considered "the Dharma" would call.

I'm smart enough, what I see in the comment section, be considered to be the prevailing opinion on my written. I get about a thousand hits a day. So even if there are 500 comments, they still represent far fewer people than the number of actual readers. However, it is interesting that people say something like that, because I feel of her tend to see it the other way around.

I tend to write about the things I'd like to read myself, but I do not think anyone writes about it. I write about spiritual celebrity not because I think that I am so goddamn interesting and what each of wants to read my exploits, but because I think that the issue is in itself very interesting and no one else seems to be ready to say anything about it.

Spiritual celebrities is big business nowadays. Look at types such as the Dalai Lama, Eckhart Tolle, Thich Nhat Hahn, Gempo "bootlicker" Roshi, etc., etc., etc.. These guys make me look like sausages such as ... I do not know ... Zero Defex perhaps as compared to Green Day. Types like these "people". In the sense of "let your people call my people and we meet for lunch." The entourage have to keep their fans in check. The sedans have in order to get to the airport. They fly first class. But I have not seen that one of them is talking about the issues involved. Maybe they do it and I do not fit properly on. But I doubt it.

Spiritual celebrities is nothing new. Yogananda was the middle of the 20th century, a big star. Krishnamurti also. Dogen was very famous in his time of Buddha and said that he drew thousands to his speeches. What was it all about?

Maybe it's me, but I'm always more interested in the basic core than on the philosophical side spun of things. Even my fascination with Japanese monster movies is more of a passion for how they are made as one for the movie itself. If I get a DVD I watch the "making of" bonus material on before I watch the movie. Sometimes I watch the film itself not at all.

What is "Dharma" refers to - for me is all the stuff Dharma. It is as much the Dharma as the more philosophical matters. And do not break up your pretty little heads, I plan to dive into more philosophical in the new SafeForWork * Suicide Girls column, I will start soon.

But this stuff is what drives the Dharma. That's the way it reaches people who need it. It's all included in the same case. It is the Dharma.

I had a funny conversation with Nishijima Roshi on the eve of the release of Hardcore Zen. I said, "If this book comes out first if it sold well, I'll be famous. Does not this contradict what Dogen about fame and profit, has said not to look? "

He said something like," said Doge of fame and profit Search . You have not written the book to get rich and famous with the target. Sometimes you do something sincere and people like it, then get fame and money. In this case, you set up deals with the real situation when it arises. "

Well, I did not become rich and not very famous. But a degree of fame (and no amount of profit, at least until now) was in the episode. Now, what man do in such a case? How to keep a level head as a practicing Buddhist? Should we run away. Many people in my position have done. Should we head-on into fame and fortune, while the Practice your password? also have done a few.

I am looking for a middle way. to spend a month in Tassajara was a radical attempt to connect me with the Zen again. I attempt to know is whether this effort was successful or not. Based on my experiences in the Tassajara and return to the world then, I begin the difference between forced discipline and discipline that comes from a self-understanding. But this may be another matter.

The economic side of Zen teaching is both frustrating and fascinating. Take For example, the concern of a "real job" to be found. When I started writing about Zen, I had a 5-day week, 10-18 Clock job. But so I could make stuff like the passing of several days Sesshins month or two trips to Europe not to talk to people from Poland, Ireland and Finland and all the other countries over there on Buddhism. Also I could not dedicate a few hours of the day pure writing practice.

Now people want me to do such things. But half the people who speak such invitations have no idea about the fundamental economic matters connected with it are. Imagine for example that I earn lots of money with my book sales. Which is not so. My advances amount to about 1 / 3 of what I had to be content with a "real job" and coped with the market realistically only every two years, a book of mine. So I earn about 1 / 6 of what I had before. It really is not enough to supply one person. Thank God I have to feed a family.

There are people out there who want me to come and lead a three-day retreat and do not understand when I speak of how the event will be funded, especially when it comes to my Payment goes. Maybe they think the Dharma should be free. And that should do it! But there is rent and the cost is not without reason. Now the choice seems to be, find a way in to earn money with the dharma, or just listen.

The most common solution to this problem is to establish a community center as a support for the teacher. To found something like the San Francisco Zen Center and Plum Village or whatever, and many people with "real jobs" to donate their money to the teacher to enable him or her cause to make, without having to take a "real job" must.

may not be a viable option in my case because I'm so damn anti-social. I mean I like people and so yes, but I rub on all the things it needs to hold together a community on.

Now I test other options. Sometimes I think the vague dream that will sell Sin Sex and Zen with the same tonnage as NOW! The Power of Now or its latest edition Ghost Writer musings from the Grand Master whoever (I recently spoke with a guy as Ghost Writer Books for any spiritual master writes and types for $ 15,000 - collected as a standard set, I write my books myself, thank you, and my rate is far lower than that). Then I would be independent and could be the things I want to do, just do Sun Therefore, the whole self-promotion (and if you feel harassed like this, then try to imagine how it is to have to do really!).

One of the people I met in Tassajara and talked about such things, had previously engaged in the promotion of spiritual teachers. He said the secret would be that it is a "promise" must include. You have to tell people that they get something of value when they visit your presentation or your seminar. This reminds me very hard because I'm so steeped in the "Zen is not good" tradition of Sawaki Roshi. Maybe I'm just a damn.

Anyway, I leave you with a photo from the top, which is the clear evidence that zazen me the power of levitation have been (click on the image for a larger version to see, so you 'll know yourself). If you want to have the secret of levitation for you, use the " Donate "button at the top left of this blog.

* SafeForWork, opposite of NotSafe / SuitableForWork (NSFW) as an abbreviation for Internet sites are not suitable they are to be seen on the job.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Cost Of Aids Treatment

Actually ...

On September 15 was our return flight to Recife - actually.
has unfortunately not improved Thomas health, so we currently can not return to Brazil. We have now moved to Dietzhölztal-Ewersbach where the headquarters of the Alliance's mission. There we can live in a missionary home and Elke is something people in the office, what do us both good, because it at least a little "Vida Normal" brings to everyday life.
Thomas is now before a difficult treatment, as has so far shown no improvement. The treatment last year in Brazil will be repeated in Siegen.
How would we like instead of our location in Itapuama.
The staff there are often faced with great challenges and the state makes those who help unfortunately, not always easy. By amending legislation, children only 2 years left on a home and then returned to their families or foster families. A good approach in itself, because if the conditions would do so. For children from the street, this period is almost always too short and how to foster families are found for children who need a high support costs without any financial compensation for foster parents? The family court judge will face new obligations which they must deal in a short time and then goes often to the detriment of children. Their Needs and their welfare remain on the track. For example, of the project staff is currently writing many reports, hearings are conducted and decisions of the authorities taken, the implementation is not always in the interest of the children.

Flip Camera Differences

always enough water under the keel

A dear friend sent me this picture a few days ago with the wish: always enough water under the keel. I once read that these huge ships on the Rhine have sometimes depending on water levels and loading only a few inches of water under the keel. Then it is important that The captain just watching the water levels, knows the trends and aware of the waterway. Sometimes we observe that the water spills over the side, even down to the gangway on the side of the ship.
that the ship in the picture even with my name gave me the idea that my situation is quite similar because of the disease: severe loading of the disease has returned, as the water spills over the sometimes edge; think about us as a flow back and forth and against which one always emotional triggers, and many sick colleagues and problems in the project due to the social situation there in Brazil, it could be even more pictures related to our situation.
But with all belongs to the image, and this is the most important and gratifying of all, we always have enough water under the keel in the form of God's hand that is beneath us and ensures that we all problems remain in the fairway and not lick beat. Although it is sometimes on his feet wet, but God is our captain knows all the currents and shoals. Then we set to continue and wish you also that you have this certainty in life.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Cil Autumn Haze Color

The review of my reviewers

Friday, September 24, 2010

I forgot to mention that the Tricycle Magazine Blog excitement about sex, Sin and Zen noticed and published this article it. Sauber.

Furthermore, I found respect in Scene magazine , was exactly the same magazine where I a million years ago an ad that Zero Defex a bass player looking . Speaking of Zero Defex, we play again Tuesday night Annabelle's in Akron for those who are in the show Kent Stage missed on Saturday.

It was a fantastic show by the way. bad luck for you if you should have missed them because you've missed what is really cool. I find I can brag as much with Zero Defex as I want because it does not really my band in the sense that I have not formed or the write most of the songs . Zero Defex is a force of nature. It is a being that exists only when we create four are to come together and rid it from the dark pit where it is hidden otherwise. I'm telling you folks, last Saturday we were the conqueror!

Sunday after Zero Defex Kent, Ohio has destroyed I was allowed to hang out to Cleveland to with my first Zen teacher Tim McCarthy (Thanks to Zak that he has me as ramped Jayce and that it has made the gathering as a hostess possible). He is still as filthy as ever. Someone told him that I speak in my new book about him than any of the foregoing. This may be true. I do not know. But every time I see him I realize how much I've stolen from my mesh I really from him.

Speaking of reviews, the reviews for Sin Sex And Zen were really interesting. My favorite saying is now, "Coming soon, the inevitable sex tape Brad Warner. It's just a matter of time, because I'm willing to bet my farm that the guy has sex like crazy. "The same critic says I'm not a monk could be because monks are celibate and live in the monastery. Which is not so. The guy should read a little bit about the Japanese Buddhist tradition. What is "have sex like crazy," the concerns, it depends on what you like with "crazy" mean. Sorry. Is only one of my infantile jokes.

It's just funny to read about how people think of my life. It's extremely bizarre that so many people you do not know your life comment. And usually they are completely wrong. Before, I found the alarming than it is today. Now it's just ridiculous.

I am bothered by bad reviews unless they are made carefully. The excerpt from above was actually OK. So far, most reviews were good. Even the quote that I had not really negative. The last time I got a bad review, which was really bad as meeting was as the "Enlighten Next Magazine" (formerly "What Is Enlightenment ") is pissed off was because I made her pal Ken Wilber in Hardcore Zen bad. The critic was no evidence that he had read the book ever. But the editors made it wished to have down, so he has done his job.

Some critics believe I'd invented a writing role. I can not really be like the idea that comes into their heads to me when they read me. I do agree. The guy does not even exist except in their minds. Just like the guy you do not see you right now, except in your head. so the game goes.

people feel constantly I have his Videos seen on YouTube or I met him personally and he does not like his books. Furthermore I can only scratch my head. I can only assume that these people read what I wrote and to imagine a voice like Randy Blythe when he sings for Lamb of God . I must ask an audio book to make people get these lines comes from my real voice. But maybe I should not destroy the dreams of the people. (That was my time to Tsuburaya Productions a huge deal. We did not allow photos to see where the people was like the Ultraman costume, going out or because it "would destroy the dreams of children".)

Anyway, I just write how I write. My role is just as invented as that of every other human on this earth. Your role is also an invention. So what?

critics seem to disagree whether the long interview with Nina Hartley is the best or worst part of the book. Some say I should have devoted the entire book in interviews. Other Nina Hartley say the stuff was way too long. I am so happy as it is. I think it makes some really important points that I would have been impossible to make yourself. I do not agree with everything she says in line, but I did not want to edit.

Some people do not want the fact that the book is less autobiographical than my previous books. But I did not really write a book about my personal sex life. I do not think it would be very valuable, and unfortunately it would be far less interesting than the expected above-cited critic would.

I thought it was the highest About time someone speaks and contemporary Western Buddhists around the topic of sexuality. It is an important issue and so far we were really only presents what monastic Buddhists living in ancient Asia did. Their solutions may be instructive, but can not without significant changes to the world we live in are transferred. And I talk about how these rules by people today who try to preserve the tradition, have already been modified.

I had hoped the book would cause a lot of discussion and it did. For this reason I have included some of my views with which I knew they were not accepted by many practitioners. My views on pornography, S & M and prostitution in order to give a few examples, are not shared by many other Buddhists. So this book will perhaps give these people something to respond to and talk about it.

In the Zen school sexuality was not to abuse the only rule of the past thousand years or so. What the hell does that mean? When Buddhism transplanted to North America summarized the many people than the conservative American Christians on what has been give of themselves when they talk about sex. But I do not think they have the same origin. Is not it? Or I'm wrong? Only you can know with certainty.

Note I have a " Donate " button in the upper left added to the blog. If you make a donation to obtain the active blogs do it now you can.