Friday, November 19, 2010

Toner For Ginger Hair

Is it "zen-moderate" to give the victims to blame?

Saturday 30 October 2010

An anonymous commentator on this blog said:

" You should not see people as victims, because the victims are those who have debt. I guess you could say that they wanted or needed to be abused. Anyway, this controversy does not seem the time, effort and energy to worthy to be the Brad should pay her to form a general opinion. The guy has to flog T-shirts. "

This was in response to my response to comments regarding allegations against a certain Zen teacher. He is mentioned by name in the comment section. I will not name him but here. In essence, I said that I had the feeling things would have the time, effort and energy is not worth that I should pay her for her to go so far as to the reason that I could form an opinion. It would require a lot of detective work to find a meaning in it who did what and why in the middle of the rumor mill to me at the moment is a source of information available. I expressed the opinion that there is a "Buyer, be vigilant!" situation is when you begin to work with any spiritual teacher. Even if I had to toss out what I think really happened in this case and my opinion would make known to the would not do much good. Not everyone listens to me and even if I would blow the whistle just a guy. I have neither the time nor the energy to play the tendency for the whole world of spiritual masters police.

I have a lot in my books, on this blog and in posts I've made for various magazines and written about in interviews and public Presentations talked about how it is the minority of abusive charlatans to discover camouflaged as a Zen teacher and other types of spiritual masters. My friend Scott Edelstein has just completed a book entitled Sex and the Spiritual Teacher: Why It Happens, When It's a problem, and What We All Can Do published. The book is a lot of energy in order to address such problems and to help future students understand how to not fall into the same traps as others have already done.

There is a movement underway to address some kind of recognized Soto Zen teacher to launch. The Soto Zen Buddhist Association (SZBA) is a group that tries to control its members and sort out the fraud. I am one of several reasons SZBA not, one of which was that I think that the strategy to create a database of reliable teachers must ultimately fail. One might assume that one of the Urziele the Holy Roman Catholic Church was an organization set up which would control themselves, so that every time you gave your children in the care of the members of this organization you have had the assurance that someone would be responsible should go wrong anything. We all know how well that worked. The SZBA at the moment seems to be quite good, but this is ultimately a losing game in advance *.

All you can really do is to use general terms. I used the phrase "buyer be vigilant" to bring the expression. It is best to his bullshit detector to maintain whenever you encounter any kind of spiritual teacher. Buddha himself has said this even in Kalama Sutra which I have quoted so often it hurts.

This comment, however, speaks to another, deeper aspect. The author of the commentary says, " the victims are those who are to blame. I guess you could say that they wanted or needed to be abused. " I must assume that he views me which he believes that I have expressed them in my face trying to throw back. But he did not get it. So I try again.

I have often said that whatever in this life we happen to have wanted at some level or be used. When I say that I set it only inside, turn it on me himself. I consider never someone else in a shitty situation and say "This person must have intended." But I consider myself often, even in a shitty situation and ask myself "How I wanted Used that to me so fucking what happened? "

Strategy wanted to show to others and they say whatever terrible things happened to them does anyone. I strongly advise against it. Everyone will hate you if you say it loud. If you say it only to yourself you will end up come over all smug and heartless and will then hate you too. So do not even say it to yourself, no matter how tempting it may be. This is a very important point. Go away not just enjoy it, please.

But though I have this perspective on my own applying to cope with my suffering easier. I remember at one of the first events when I tried to apply this thinking to myself. It was early in the '90s. I was brutally least physically attacked by people I did not know the reasons that I never could figure out. As far as I could tell the time and can now say in retrospect, the attack was completely random. And, by the way, these guys have definitely tried to kill me.

I will not go into the whole story. Maybe I've told elsewhere, I do not know. However, after the attack I thought to myself, "Buddhism has taught us that what happens in life we wanted anyway, how to apply that in this case?"

One may assume that this kind of thinking would lead to feelings of guilt and I would feel even worse. But that did not happen. When I started so consider me feel less like a helpless victim and more like a person could actively do something to improve his life. For the first time in my life I did not feel like a victim of circumstance [ victim of circumstance ] and took control of my destiny. If I had not begun to think so, I would perhaps still in Akron, Ohio to live and feel sorry for myself.

It does not matter to me whether this idea is objectively true or not. I think it's true or I would not use it. But even if it should make out that I'm wrong, this view has been so incredibly helpful that I would not give up on them anyway.

Although I never thought this way to other users and say "Ha! They wanted this terrible thing happened, "I try to communicate this view other since they were so useful to me. Certainly the danger lies in the fact that what I will tell of people misinterpreted that rewrote the way in which the the comment. But I can also be seen clearly that absolutely everything you say is misunderstood and. Even if you discard a vow of silence, and it can and will be misinterpreted. Such is life.

I would also like to thank the author of the comment that he has indicated the availability of an ever-growing selection of attractive T-shirt which I at http:/ / / people / brad warner designed. Get yours today!

And should you be and talk to me about it do in Montreal go to 19 clock to Chapters bookstore downtown where I will sign books .

hot * What not to say that I will never join the SZBA. Maybe one day. But not because it would change my opinion on this particular point.


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